Learning to drive is a big thing for everyone. New drivers see it as a big milestone in their lives, and it can also be one of the most memorable experiences they have had. However, even experienced drivers have some form of trouble staying focused when driving. With today’s traffic and all the distractions on the UAE roads, it is hard to stay focused while driving.

In today’s article, we are exploring some of the most effective tips that will help you improve your driving skills. So, let’s begin.

Limit your distractions

The first thing every driver should do is limit the number of distractions. While keeping the car in good condition is something that our experts at Stop&Go can help you with, you are alone on the road, and in order to run your car smoothly, there should be no distractions or visible problems.

Getting distracted is easy, whether it’s by a nearby vehicle, a sign on the road, or your favorite song on the radio. However, your eyes should primarily be on the road, and your mind needs to stay focused at all times.

Keep your eyes moving

Be aware of your surroundings when driving. To do that, your eyes should be moving left and right all the time. If you are a new driver, take some time to monitor how you drive and look out for things that you can improve on. As you get more experienced, pay attention to your driving habits and be honest with yourself when you evaluate how safe or good your driving is.

Know yourself

Believe it or not, “know yourself” is a rule that is commonly used to advise people to be aware of their strengths and implement them in their lives. You should be doing the same on the roads, too – first, identify your driving style and find ways to modify it. For instance, if you drive fast, you should always think of your health and safety and know the fact that with all the traffic signs and interruptions, you won’t arrive much faster than the other drivers in urban traffic. If you drive slow or you get confused easily, create some sort of scheme that helps you get through roadblocks easily. Start doing things differently to improve yourself and eliminate any road rage.

Learn all your car’s safety features

Your car’s safety features can actually help you. Whether it’s the ABS brakes or lane assist, you should see the extent to which they can assist you but never rely fully on them. For instance, ABS does not actually shorten the braking distance, and lane assist may not always prevent accidents. Even rear-view cameras have their flaws, such as blind spots, which is why you should learn about all the safety features in the vehicle and never over-rely on them.

Leave more space

You’d be surprised to see how many car accidents in the UAE occur because drivers don’t leave enough space. If you are on the highway, leaving more space between you and the car in front of you can be crucial to avoiding major collisions. According to experts, there need to be at least 4 seconds of space between you and the car in front, while in reality, most drivers leave less than a second of space between them. This is not enough to stop if the car suddenly hits the brakes. What’s more, leaving more space won’t put much stress on your brakes, leading to better car maintenance.

We hope these tips helped you realize some areas of your driving where you could improve and showed you ways to do that. Remember, being patient, careful, and all-eyes on the road is the only way to prevent accidents and protect your health and safety.

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